Rutherford International leads the real estate market globally, making it a fully fledged marketplace for other leading organizations. The organization houses a professional marketing team working in collaboration with the team of business professionals and having branding/advertising of our clients’ services mentioned in their KRAs. We believe that organizations use branding or advertising to convey a positive identity for customers and so do branding conveys positive identity to potential and existing employees. This certainly boosts the confidence of individual employee at the workplace.
Rutherford International has never been standing alone in the global market of real estate. The organization has its sister firm, NEXTalent Inc, working all the way along with it. The company does complete a crucial part, i.e. the branding of out clients’ services and establishing their image as great places to join and work. We appreciate the steps taken by the marketing team working at a secondary premises and making our clients (who actually are the employers in the global real estate market) feel relaxed about their business.
Aiming at minimized branding cost, we got the potential to lower down the ‘cost per hire’ up to 50 percent, thereby filling 85 percent of vacancies through with direct sourcing. Thus, we can let NEXTalent Inc build as well as host a micro-career site, keeping your corporate brand in view.